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Importing Content to Display

Insteo Display offers an easy way to enter content through it's import feature. 

Downloading Excel Template

By clicking Import in your content group you have the option to Download Template of the Excel sheet.

If your content group is empty this will generate an Excel sheet with your field names already populated. 

If you content group already has content the Excel sheet will be generated with item included. 

Enter your content keeping in mind that each row is the equivalent of one content item.**  

**Images can not be uploaded via this method.   

Set Up Excel Sheet for Import

Start by setting up an Excel file. 

Include the the field names of your content group as the first row.*

Allow each content field it's own column. 

Enter your content keeping in mind that each row is the equivalent of one content item.**

Excel Sample

*Important if the first row is anything other than the field names required for that content group the import file won't work.
**Images can not be uploaded via this method. 

Determine Field Names

In your content group click the Add button. This will open a module that shows all of the fields you should include in your Excel sheet. 

Uploading Excel Sheet 

  1. Click Upload CSV file
  2. Drag and drop your saved Excel file
  3. Select if you'd like to replace all content or add additional items
  4. Click Import
  5. Click drag and drop the fields from Imported from Excel that match the Content Templates Fields in the order that they match
    Not all fields need to be matched for example Created Date and Modified Date don't need to be included
  6. Click Import

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